landmark EDT 5000.17.2 2023

Landmark是Holly Burton Drilling and Evaluation的产品,该公司推出了R5000。软件发布与70多种产品的推广同时进行。该软件的推出为石油和天然气运营商提供了前所未有的集成水平。



  • 开放的创新环境:决策空间环境允许您创建一致的Landmark产品和定制应用程序流。使用此版本,用户可以受益于新功能,例如拖放功能和决策空间环境中每个应用程序的共享查看。
  • 简单的数据管理:操作员可以为后代提供跟踪处理,以保留关键信息。
  • Open Works R5000 数据库还集成了 2D 和 3D 地震数据,以提高工作流程的能力。
  • 对卓越科学的解读:大力推广地球科学计划。在专为提高用户探索时工作效率而设计的新功能中,在用于电平解释的 Power View 软件中,新工具允许协作进行良好规划、关键项目捕获和方案信息,在新版 Geo Probe 中,这是业界领先的 3D 渲染和可视化应用程序,用户现在可以直接从 Open Works 访问 2D 数据。
  • 钻井循环和生产率提高:数据输入表单现在与数据紧密匹配,并且可以自定义特定公司所需的营业额。
  • 更准确的库存估算:借助较新版本的Nexus和决策管理系统(DMS),运营商可以更好地减少不确定性,在工作流程规划中结合风险因素和业务目标。

使用 EDM 管理实用程序,EDM 管理员可以从一个集中位置为使用 EDM 数据库实例的所有应用程序配置和实施数据库设置。

可以使用 EDM 管理实用程序执行以下操作:

  • 创建和自定义 EDM 输出报告、系统设置和设备管理集
  • 创建和自定义 Open Wells 经典数据输入表单、所见即所得表单、属性页、预览窗格、报表类型、快捷方式栏和状态颜色
  • 配置 EDM 安全性(SQL Server Express 和 Oracle)、同步活动监视器 (SAM) 和开井结转、作业类型和数据验证
  • 导入和导出源文件、EDM 系统配置文件和 WELLPLAN 工作区
  • 将 DEX™ 数据实体映射到 EDM 数据库表/列
  • 生成 EDM 架构

Landmark is a product of Holly Burton Drilling and Evaluation, which has launched the R5000. Software release simultaneously with the promotion of more than 70 products. The launch of this software offers an unprecedented level of integration of oil and gas operators.

It contains Casing Seat, Casing Wear, Compass, Data Analyzer, Open Wells, Profile, Stress Check, Well cast, Well cost, Well plan

Landmark Features:

  • An open environment for innovation: The Decision Space environment allows you to create a coherent flow of Landmark products, custom applications. With this version, users benefit from new features such as drag-and-drop capability and increased shared viewing for each application in the Decision Space environment.
  • Simple data management: Operators can provide trail processing for future generations to preserve critical information.
  • The Open Works R5000 database also integrates 2D and 3D seismic data for workflow power.
  • Interpretation of the superior sciences: Powerful promotion of earth science programs. Among the new features specifically designed to increase user productivity when exploring, in Power View software for level interpretation, new tools allow collaboration for good planning, critical project capture and scenario information, in the new version of Geo Probe The industry-leading application for 3D rendering and visualization, users can now access 2D data directly from Open Works.
  • Drilling Circulation and Productivity Increase: The data entry form is now closely matched to the data, and the turnover required for a particular company can be customized.
  • More accurate stock estimates: With newer versions of Nexus and Decision Management System (DMS), operators can better reduce uncertainty, combine risk factors and business goals in workflow planning.

With the EDM Administration utility, EDM Administrators can configure and implement database settings for all the applications that use the EDM database instance from a centralized location.

The following operations can be performed using the EDM Administration utility:

  • Create and customize EDM Output Reports, System Settings, and Unit Management Sets

  • Create and customize Open Wells Classic Data Entry Forms, WYSIWYG Forms, Property Pages, Preview Panes, Report Types, Shortcut Bars, and Status Colors

  • Configure EDM Security (SQL Server Express and Oracle), Simultaneous Activity Monitor (SAM), and Open Wells Carryovers, Job Types, and  Data Validation

  • Import and Export source files, EDM System configuration files, and WELLPLAN Workspaces

  • Map DEX™ data entities to EDM database Tables/Columns

  • Generate EDM Schema

  • Edit Lithologies

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