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软件分类soft Nouns
- The Kingdom Software 2023 smt 2023
- QUE$TOR 2023 Q1
- Harmony Enterprise 2023.1
- GOHFER9.4.0.32 20230407
- JewelSuite GeoMechanics 2022.2
- Eliis PaleoScan 2022.2
- Flatirons™ Software Products
- OpendTect 6.6.10
- OpendTect 6.6.8
- ResFormSTAR最新版2023
- 密码保护:Schlumberger Techlog 2020 2021 2022
- WellFlo 6.9
- VECON 4.7 2022
- vista 2022
- stimpro 2022
- pvtsim Nova 6.0
- Kingdom software SMT 2022
- NETool 10.9
- PerGeos 2022
- FracPT 2022
- OpenFlow 2022
- OLI systems 9.6.3
- norsar 2023
- 密码保护:petrel 2022
- QUE$TOR 2022
- gohfer 9.3 64bit 完美版
- Paradigm 2022
- Landmark DSG 10ep5
- Geosoftware jason 12.0 2023
- Interoctive Petrophysics 5.1 2023
- landmark EDT 5000.17.2 2023
- redhat 版本与内核对应
- Schlumberger Omega 2022.1
- Landmark Promax seisspace 5000.11.0.1
- Greenmountain MESA16.3.5
- tNavigator 2022.4
- GeoSoftware HRS 13.0 2023
- IP 5.0 2023
- Cerberus 14.5
- InterWell 2019.1
- tNavigator 2020.1
- norsar 2020
- 3.0
- IHS welltest 2019
- IHS Harmony 2019
- The Kingdom Software 2019 smt
- DynaLift
- permedia 5000
- StrataBugs 2.1
- RMS 11.1,RMS 2023
- Geogrid 1.19
- Tempest Enable 8.5
- sysdrill 11
- OpenInvertor 10.3.0 windows linux all full
- 油气藏工程与动态分析软件 restools
- norsar 2019 seisrox 2019 MDesign 2019
- 3.0 2019
- IP 4.5 2019
- gohfer 9.1.3 2019
- DTCC SmartSolo®
- JewelSuite 2018.1 GeoMechanics 2018.1.441
- WellCad 5.3
- GPTMap GPTModel GPTLog 2017.1
- opendtect 6.4.4
- Kappa Workstation 5.20.05
- IPM 11
- GeoModeling 2019
- PVTsim Nova 4.1
- tNavigator 19.2
- epoffice 2019.06.10
- PaleoScan 2019.1.0
- PerGeos 2019.1
- geolog 19.0
- pvtsim nova 4.0
- tNavigator 19.1
- Tesseral 5.1.0 2019
- geoscope3.4
- FracproPT 2019
- I-GIS GeoScene3D v10.0.13.574
- Paradigm Geolog 18
- Rokdoc 6.6.2 岩石物理软件
- Lead 3.0 LEAD3.0测井处理解释一体化软件
- JewelSuite 2017
- promax 5000.10.0.3
- discovery2019.1
- simics 4.8
- Emeraude v5.20 生产测井解释软件
- 辅助历史拟合软件SenEx2.0.40
- tNavigator 18.4
- jason10.0.1
- GeoEast-EasyTrack触控解释软件
- hrs 10.4.1
- Landmark EDT 5000.15.1
- Landmark EDT 5000.15.0
- perform 2013
- DecisionSpace_Geosciences-10ep.4.03_G1
- PetroAnalyst 2014
- JewelSuite GeoMechanics 2016.1.364 6.1
- GeoModeller 4.05 2019
- watch 2.8.1 生产测井解释平台
- discovery 2017.3
- CMG 2018.101
- Emeraude5.12.07
- Simpleware v7.0 数字岩心建模与数值分析解决方案
- Greenmountaion mesa 12.1 for win10
- IC 2016
- QUE$TOR 2018.1
- METACOMP 14.1.1 流体力学软件
- DecisionSpace Geosciences 10ep.3.06
- PetraSim 2018
- Rokdoc 6.6
- RMS 11
- opendtect 6.4
- WinGLink
- GeoModeller 4.04 2018
- tesseral pro 5.06
- Kappa workstation 5.20.02
- Stimpro 2018
- QITeam
- Res2dinv Res3dinv 瑞典高密度电法反演软件
- PetraSim 2017.10
- FRACPRO 2017 压裂设计与分析软件
- iMOSS 4.3 岩石物理软件
- Cerberus v11.5 连续油管软件
- FracMan 7.70 7.51
- GeoEast-USP非常规甜点地震预测软件
- Petra 3.12
- geoscope 3.3
- Georeservoir 6.0
- kelang 采集设计软件
- PETRA 2017 3.11
- surfseis
- tNavigator 18.2
- pvtsim nova 3
- 网格天地 深探地学建模软件
- hrs 10.3.2
- omega 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
- I-GeoSeisV2.0
- jason 9.7.3 powerlog 9.7.3
- ResTools
- EKKO_Project-V5-R3-64bit
- Geosec 2018
- Emerson Paradigm 2018.1 2019 2022 2023
- Seisware 9.1
- flatirons 18.02
- Greenmountaion mesa 15
- GMseis 3.4
- tomodel 8.0
- Pegete SMI 3.0
- Sercel e428V5.0
- KAPPA Workstation 5.20
- Seismic Processing Workshop 3.4 SPW 3.4
- Testif-i v2.07a
- epoffice 2017 v7
- TENDDEKA FloQuest 7.5
- TENDEKA ReQuest 7.5
- landmark Nexus VIP
- PaleoScan 2018.1
- Petroleum Experts IPM 10
- jason 9.7.2
- openflow 2017.1
- tNavigator 18.1
- tNavigator 17.4
- PHDwin2.10.3
- meyer 12 2017.12
- HampsonRussell Suite 10.3 geoview 10.3 HRS 10.3
- Midland Valley move 2018.1
- jason 9.7
- CoilCADE
- StimCADE
- crystal 2018.1
- gohfer GOHFER全三维压裂及酸化设计与分析软件
- 密码保护:Schlumberger Techlog 2018.2
- omni 2017.1
- tesseral pro 5.0.3b
- CMG 2017.101
- Schlumberger vista 2017
- GeoModeller 4
- KAPPA Workstation 5.12.04
- metalink
- EarthImager 2D 3D
- Promax 5000.10
- rokdoc 6.5
- tNavigator 17
- Kappa workstation 5.12.03
- Paradigm Sysdrill 10.5 SP1
- PaleoScan 2017.1.0
- tesseral pro 5.02a
- GeoTeric 2017.1
- The Kingdom Software SMT 2017
- refract 3.0
- TADPRO 3.2.1 管柱下入软件
- Geosyn 2016.1
- norsar 201707
- NeuraView NeuraMap NeuraLog NeuraSection 2017
- IHS Kingdom SMT 2016.1
- studioSL 3DSL
- GOHFER 9.0
- tesseral pro 5.0.1
- jason 9.6.1
- DecisionSpace Well Planning
- crystal 2017.1.16
- norsar 2017.1
- ARIES 5000
- GeoTeric 2016.2.1
- geocyber 多子波分解软件
- TrapTester 7 2016 断层封堵性评价软件
- Landmark EDT 5000.14.1
- Paradigm Geolog 8.0
- Paradigm 2017
- Emeraude – Production Logging
- LESA 2017
- geomap 4.0
- LogIC
- rokdoc 6.4.2
- IHS FAST VisualWell
- IHS welltest 2016
- ResForm GeoOffice 3.2完美版 3.5完美版
- ModelVision 重磁数据处理反演软件
- KAPPA Workstation 5.12
- Geographix DISCOVERY GVERSE Attributes 2016.1
- Geographix GeoGraphix discovery 2016.1
- 3DSL 2012 2014
- WellCAD 测井处理软件
- Midland Valley Move 2017.1.1
- prism Interpret 2014
- wellscan 3.5
- Geoteric 2016.2
- WellWhiz 3.4
- GOHFER 8.4.0
- FRACPRO 压裂设计与分析软件
- Ecrin 5.10.04
- DSS Dynamic Surveillance System 油藏动态模拟软件
- sendra 岩心数值模拟软件
- LCT 重磁震联合处理解释软件
- mesa 14.1
- jason9.6
- HRS10.2
- SegdToolbox
- justcgm
- ImageToSEGY
- WellView
- 地震数据数字化软件 bmp2segy 3.0
- Senergy Interactive Petrophysics v4.4 IP4.4
- 密码保护:Schlumberger CemCade 4.4 4.75固井软件
- CMG 2016.10
- VISTA 2016.000
- PVTsim20
- Dynel 2D Dynel 3D
- Gxplorer 2016 石文软件 2016
- cgg geovation 2015 6501 cgg geovation 2016 6601 geovation 2.0 2.1(2020) 2.2 (2022)
- norsar 2016.1
- norsar 2016.1 windows and linux
- drillbench2016.1.1
- crystal 2016.2
- move 2016.2.2
- petra 3.10
- Depth Insight 2015 网格天地 深探地学建模软件
- IHS Harmony 2016.3
- tesseral pro 4.2.4
- rokdoc6.3.3
- JewelSuite GeoMechanics
- drillbench2016.1
- GeoTeric 2016.1 基于地质导向地震像素法的油藏描述软件
- IHS Harmony 2016.1
- jason 9.5.1
- velpro
- TRC Phdwin v2.9 1CD(储备和经济评价软件)
- SurvOPT海洋地震勘探的规划和成本计算工具
- Landmark Engineer’s Desktop(EDT) 5000.14
- GPTmodel
- GPTmap
- GPTlog
- Pipe Flow Expert
- Direct 数字化油藏表征软件系统
- Dionisos4.0 4.2
- SeisRox 三维模型正演
- ZetaWare
- Intrepid Geophysics GeoModeller 三维地质建模软件
- forward
- easycopy
- beicip easytrace
- SPT wellflo
- Weatherford Field Office 2014 PanSystem 2014
- universe VSP
- Secure Hydraulics 2011 安全液压软件
- fracman 7.0 7.4 7.5.1 2016
- copy+
- SeisMod 4 SIMO4.2
- Green Mountain mesa 12 13 14
- powerlog frac 9.5
- PaleoScan全局自动地震层序地层学解释软件 2016.1
- powerlog 9.5
- jason9.5
- opendtect6.0.1
- Midland Valley move 2016.1
- imoss 3.4
- discovery 2015
- geomodeling attributestudio 8.0
- geolog7.4
- OpenInventor 10.3.0
- GeoTomo VECON
- OLGA 2015.1
- 密码保护:Schlumberger techlog 2015.2 techlog 2015.3 techlog 2016
- comet3
- norsar 2d 3d
- skua gocad 2015
- iMOSS 3.3 2015
- insite微地震软件
- Petrosys 17.5 17.6 17.7
- Petroleum Experts IPM 9.0
- RODSTAR-V/D 抽油机设计软件
- IHS Harmony 2015.2
- PLOT EXPRESS zeh 5.1
- insight Earth 3.0
- jason 9.0 2015 linux
- 双狐 doublefox 双狐变速成图系统 4.0 2014
- crystal specman thinman 2015.1
- NeuraLog 2015.4
- landmark DecisionSpace DSD 5000.10.03 5000.10.04 linux
- GOGEO FracPredictor 2014
- paradigm epos geodepth gocad skua geolog sysdrill StratEarth 2015
- jason 9.0 jason 9.1 2015
- hrs strata geoveiw 10.1正式版 2015 10.1 20160308正式版
- NETool完井优化设计软件
- landmark DSD Geoprobe 5000.8.3 5000.10 windows linux
- discovery 2014.2
- powerlog\powerbench\PowerlogFrac 3.5
- meyer2014 english version +中文版
- omni 2014
- vista 2014 vista 2015
- Senergy Interactive Petrophysics v4.3 v4.4 IP4.3 IP4.4
- Emeraude v2.60.12
- ecrin4.30.07 Citrine Saphir Topaze Emeraude Azurie
- landmark 5000.10
- landmark 5000.10 windows
- openflow 2012 2013 2015 2015.3
- SpecMAN
- geomodeling attributestudio 7.5
- Gxplorer石文软件
- neuralog
- LogVision
- INTViewer
- NetSarang Xmanager Enterprise 5.0.0464
- jason 8.4.2 |1 dvd
- powerlog 3.4.5
- move 2015.1
- JewelSuite Subsurface Modeling 2014
- Landmark Engineer’s Desktop(EDT)
- Marvel 叠前地震成像系统 (老版本名称为Views)
- promax 2003 5000 5000.8 5000.10
- GRISYS地震数据处理软件系统
- omega2013.1
- tNavigator 3.3 tNavigator 4.1 tNavigator 4.2–油藏数值模拟系统
- Seismic Studio 折射及层析静校正软件
- WellFlo 单井采油优化与设计软件
- Eps PanSystem V2014 试井解释分析与设计
- Schlumberger.SandCADE防砂软件
- Schlumberger.FracCADE压裂设计与评价软件
- E-stimplan 全三维水力压裂软件
- 复杂探区近地表建模和校正系统ToModel6.5 7.0 8.0
- drillinginfo transform 4.3.1 5.0.2 微地震软件
- GMSeis3.1 GMseis3.2 GMseis3.4 地震近地表静校正系统 seislab
- GMI 地应力分析软件
- 双狐软件
- Oasis montaj重磁震勘探软件包
- GeoEast 2.5 2.6.1 2.6.2 2.6.3 3.0
- EPoffice image+
- EPoffice EPS+
- EPoffice FRS+
- EPoffice GeoTalk
- GOHFER 8.1.1 8.2.3
- SeisWare8.00.05
- Hampson-Russell HRS strata
- tesseral tesseral3D
- GeoModeling VisualVoxat (VVA)
- discovery 微机解释系统
- basinmod 2005 2009 2012 2014
- Kingdom SMT
- JewelSuite2013 2014
- GeoThrust 二维、三维地震资料处理系统
- PaleoScan全局自动地震层序地层学解释软件
- petra
- FracproPT 2012 FracproPT 2013 FracproPT 2015 FracproPT 2017
- Meyer三维增产措施模拟设计系统
- CMG2012 2013.11 2014.10 2015.101 2015.106
- RokDoc
- LESA 9.5 9.6 9.7
- Recon
- FaultX
- NorSar
- MOVE 4.1 5.0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014.1 2014.2
- landmark openworks 2003 5000.3 5000.8.1 5000.8.3
- TomoPlus
- CycloLog
- iMOSS 3.1 3.2
- SeisUP 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
- RMS地质三维建模软件
- Drillworks
- Drillnet
- 石油软件的Redhat AS各版本下载地址
- CRYSTAL地震反演及地质建模软件
- jason8.4
- Ecrin 4.20.5 4.30 4.30.07 5.10.02
- PowerLog 3.4.1
- tesseral pro 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.4
- Tempest-Enable
- sysdrill
- SPTGROUP.DrillBench 6.2 2016.1 钻井及完井工程设计模拟软件 6.2 2016.1
- Paradigm 2011.2 帕拉代姆 Epos 2011.3 2013.2 2014.1 2014.1sp1 2015.1 2015.5
- Echos(FOCUS)地震资料处理系统
- 地震波反射的极性相位问题
- OLGA 7.1* 7.2* 7.3* 2014.1 2014.2 2014.3
- GeoTeric基于地质导向地震像素法的油藏描述软件(SVI)
- CGG geovation cgg3100 cgg4100 cgg5000 cgg6200 cgg6401 cgg6501 cgg6601 geovation2013 geovation 2015 geovation 2016
- STIMPRO 基质酸化设计与分析软件
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